Flaw Detection
CT flaw detection of additively-manufactured plastic explosive
Baggage CT
Helping DHS improve threat detection in baggage at airports
Additive Manufacturing
NDC provides feedback to improve additive fabrication methods
Inspecting Michaelangelo's David
With U. Bologna, use NDC to assess the integrity of David’s ankle
Evaluating Evolution
With Yale, inspect fossils with micro-CT for evolutionary traits
Improving CT images from limited views
Nuclear and Radiological Imaging Platform
For DHS, characterize cargo scanners for rad/nuc threats
New ptychography method for inspecting thin or layered objects
Novel CT algorithm called System Independent Rhoe Ze accurately characterizes materials
Critical Materials Institute
CT of hard disk drives to find recyclable rare-earth elements
Inspecting Munitions
Assess safety and performance of DOD munitions using CT
Software tool ZeCalc calculates effective atomic number, Ze and electron density, Rhoe