Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Nondestructive Characterization Institute (NCI)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory • P. O. Box 808, L-154 • Livermore, CA 94551
7000 East Avenue, L-154, Livermore, CA 94550 (shipping)

Technology Advisors

Harry Martz Director, Nondestructive Characterization Institute 925-423-4269
Steve Glenn Deputy Program Lead for Radioactive/Nuclear Detection 925-423-7445

Institute Staff

Jessica Martinez Executive Assistant 925-422-7632
Engineering at LLNL

NCI Management Staff

Harry E. Martz, Jr., Ph.D.

Harry is the Director for the Nondestructive Characterization Institute, which has pioneered ways to use x rays and other forms of radiation and particles (protons and neutrons) for noninvasive imaging of everything from warhead components to bridge decks to breast tumors. He holds a Ph.D. in Nuclear Physics/Chemistry from Florida State University. He received an R&D 100 Award for radiation waste barrel assay. He was a member of several National Academies of Science committees and currently chairs an NAS committee on airport passenger screening systems.

Steve Glenn, Ph.D.

Steve has been part of NCI and has worked on DNDO-related programs since 2014. Prior, he was a systems engineer and instrumentation specialist for NIF x-ray imaging diagnostics, a software developer and manager for NIF’s control system, and an algorithm engineer for the NIF optics inspection and shot data analysis teams. Steve received his Ph.D. in Physics from the University of California, Davis.